Sunday, February 21


submit via "comment"
and please follow 5-7-5 syllable structure

Wednesday, February 17

CHALLENGE 1: Urban Haiku on the theme of SNOW

Submit via "comment" (which will be approved shortly) and please follow the 5-7-5 syllable structure!

laughing through thin walls

helps calm our provocations
neighbors hear our squall

Tuesday, February 16

stars are quiet now

jealous of bright offices
nighttime cleaning crew

drunk at 2 a.m.

your awkward balance reveals
please pull down your skirt

Wednesday, February 10

teased blonde extensions

tedious fake eye lashes
high heels make feet sore

Saturday, February 6

subway preacher man

salvation on the 2 train
unkempt but beloved

Friday, February 5

unhappy hipster

wearing converse in the snow
wet socks yield cold feet

Tuesday, February 2

small screens distance you

get new apps for your iphones
silent family

Monday, February 1

Welcome to Urban Haikus: NYC

There are so many things to absorb in New York City- so much to stimulate, inspire, provoke thought. Sometimes, there is just too much to try to express. Thus, Urban Haikus was born.

Tiny gestures in a relentless city.